Center Gallery Exhibition 2024
The Gallery
ADA is grateful to host our very own gallery exhibition titled "Moments in Youth" at the Center Gallery Anaheim from January 5th, 2024 to February 8th, 2024. This was a unique opportunity to showcase our artists' creativity as well as bring student artists closer to the community.
This exhibition had no specific theme. Rather, we wanted to show the diverse ways in which our artists express their creativity. These works capture the thoughts, perspectives, and ideas of high school students. It showcases what we care about, and we hope to bring these closer to a broader audience.
We want to express our gratitude to OCSA NAHS for contributing their artists' works as well as the Cultural Arts Program at Anaheim for organizing this exhibition.
You can check out photos of the works featured on the right as well as some clips/moments from the gallery down below.

Gallery Photos

Opening Reception
Our opening reception was held on 1/11, where we invited our artists to join us in celebrating the opening of the exhibition. Refreshments were provided, and we had the opportunity to reflect upon ADA's journey. View some clips/moments from the reception below:

Vlog pt. 1

Vlog pt. 2